How To Make Valentine's Day Chocolate Candy Magnets Out Of Craft Felt
Do you enjoy making handmade craft items to decorate your home with for Valentine's Day? If so, I've got a really easy craft project to share with you today. These little chocolate candies are completely hand sewn and crafted together out of your classic crafter's felt.
Once you complete them, you can add magnets onto the back side of them and place them on your refrigerator or file cabinet. If you have a little girl in your family, you can place them inside an empty clean Valentine's Day candy box so that she can use them as pretend food with her little toy dishes. No matter how you decide to use them, they are super easy to make and work up quickly.
Here is what you will need to make them:
1 sheet of craft felt in each of these colors: pink, red, chocolate brown, dark brown, white and vanilla.
Embroidery floss (to make all colors of your felt)
Small amount of poly fiber fill stuffing
Sharp Scissors, Embroidery Needle, Measuring Tape
Paper Shape Templates (use as patterns)
Round Magnets
All Purpose Liquid Quick Drying Craft Glue
To Make Paper Pattern: On a piece of paper, draw out a 1 3/4" diameter circle, 2" square and a rectangle that measures 1 1/2" by 2" in size. Cut out these shapes and use them as patterns.
Round Chocolate Candy: Cut two round shapes out of chocolate brown colored felt, cut one strip that measures 1/4" wide by 5 3/4" long. From red felt, cut out a swirl shape that is the diameter of your circle temple by about 1/8" wide. Using two strands of embroidery floss and your sewing needle, blanket stitch the thin strip around the edges of one circle and fasten off. Using two strands of red embroidery floss, hand stitch the red swirl to one of the chocolate brown circles using tiny whip stitches, fasten off. Using two strands of brown floss, blanket stitch the remaining circle onto the other side of the skinny strip. Right before you have it completely sewn shut, insert in a little bit of stuffing and then finish stitching it shut.
Square Chocolate Candy: Use your square paper pattern and cut two squares from dark brown felt. Cut a strip that measures 1/2" wide by 4 3/4" long. From white felt cut a strip that measures 1/8" by 2" and from red felt cut a heart shape that measures approximately 1/2" in diameter. Using two strands of white embroidery floss, hand stitch the white strip to one of the brown squares using tiny whip stitches. Using two strands of red floss, hand stitch the heart on top of the white strip using whip stitches. Using two strands of brown floss and a blanket stitch, attach the dark brown strip around the sides of the square you just decorated. Pick up your blank square and attach that to the other side of the strip using a blanket stitch. Right before closing, insert some stuffing inside and finish your stitching. Fasten off and hide your ends inside the square.
Rectangular Chocolate Candy: This is made just like the square but decorated a little bit differently. For this piece of candy, I used vanilla colored felt for my base. I then cut four tiny strips from brown felt and hand sewn them on top to resemble lines of icing. On top of that, I sewed on a red heart to decorate it. You will assemble this piece just like the other pieces.
Variations: You can change up the colors of your felt and make various theme'd shapes to decorate little flowers, hearts, cupid's arrow, etc.
Once you are all done stitching them, you can glue magnets on the back and use them as cute holiday refrigerator magnets.
This project, instructions and idea is written by Shelly Hill, copyright 2011, All Rights Reserved.
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