Saturday, January 19, 2019

Kid's Crafts: Painted and Glitter Seashell Christmas Ornaments

During our beach walks my grandchildren will collect hundreds of seashells that wash up onto the beach. We collect them in our mesh bags and then wash/dry them once we return from vacation. So, what do you do with all of those seashells the kids collected? Turn them into fun Christmas and holiday ornaments with just a few basic craft supplies! For this project we used small clam shells which worked perfectly for the project! 
Kid's Crafts: Painted and Glitter Seashell Christmas Ornaments

Kid's Crafts: Painted and Glitter Seashell Christmas Ornaments

Clean Seashells
Acrylic Craft Paints
Paint Brush, Water Dish, Paper Towels
Clear Fishing Line
Clear Acrylic Spray Sealer with Glitter
All-Purpose Craft Glue
Sheets of Old Newspaper

Lay newspaper down on your work surface. Let the kids paint their seashells in solid or multi-colors. They can paint elaborate or really simple designs. We opted to paint our's in a solid color using 2 coats of acrylic paint. Left them dry for 30 minutes and then used acrylic paint to add a simple "polka dot" design. Let them dry for 45-60 minutes.

While the paint is drying you'll want to make hanging loops for all of your new ornaments. We used clear fishing line. Cut a piece that measures approximately 4 1/2" to 5" in length. Tie it into a loop and knot the ends together. Trim ends if needed. Set aside.

Take 2 sheets of newspaper outside. Lay them onto the newspaper. Lightly spray a coat of clear acrylic sealer with glitter onto the painted side of the shell. You don't need a lot! This sealer will protect the painted surface and add a shimmer to it thanks to the fine-grade glitter inside it. Let them dry for 1 hour.

Bring them back inside. If the clam shell has a tiny hole in the end (some do, some don't) you can add your hanging loop through the hole. If not, you can glue the hanging loop to the backside of the shell. Let dry for 2-3 hours. That's it, you're done!!!  

You can hang them on your Christmas tree or use them as holiday package toppers. A great way for kids to use up some of those seashells that they collected during summer vacation. 

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