My daughter is expecting her second child later next month and it's a boy! I am super excited to be a grandmother again and I look forward to spoiling this new bundle of joy once he arrives. Previously when she was pregnant the firs time around we had a very large & catered baby shower. This time around we decided to have a simple baby shower and did most of the decorations, party favors, table centerpieces and food ourselves.
Today...I wanted to share some very simple & frugal baby boy baby shower ideas with all of you.
1. Blue Punch! You can buy all kinds of punches these days that are blue or you can make your own. You can whip up a batch of blue Kool-Aid too! For the ice...we used flavored water so that added additional flavor the drink! Display your punch in a glass beverage dispenser so that your guest can help themselves.
2. We went to our local dollar-type of store and picked up one medium sized yellow rubber ducky and two smaller sized yellow rubber duckies. We were looking for blue ones which we've seen before but couldn't find any on this particular trip. With that said...I think the yellow ones pop & just look better! To keep them from falling off the top of your beverage dispenser stick some two-side tape or little self-adhesive scrapbooking glue dots on their bottoms. Cute!
3. Instead of doing a big fancy baby shower cake we elected to do cupcakes! This was a co-ed & family-style baby shower and a lot of children were in attendance. We baked the cupcakes ourselves and added a little bit of blue food coloring to the batter. We simple used a cream cheese frosting on top and added blue sprinkles to some of them and left others plain. Super simple to do!
4. The "Ready to Pop" popcorn bags were a big hit with the party guests! We purchased little food-safe party bags at our local dollar-style store and microwave popcorn. We popped it and then left it cool. Measure out about 1/4 to a 1/2 cup and place it into the bags. (avoid using popcorn with a slew of butter or flavorings as it will look greasy & oily in your bags...plain or light butter is best!). We made our own tags from scrapbooking cardstock and used a glue stick to glue them together. Punch a hole in the corner and write your message onto the tag. Finish up by tying the tag to your little popcorn bags!

5. My husband had seen numerous posts on Pinterest for making a fruit basket out of a watermelon. Some of these included designs for turning the watermelon into a baby buggy (stroller). He looked them over and then came up with his own simple concept which is shown in the photo. Is it perfect? No, but it's darn cute and everyone loved it! You will need to pick up a watermelon, a cantaloupe, pineapple, blueberries, green seedless grapes, strawberries and any other fruits that you want to use. We do suggest making it up no earlier than the night before or very early in the morning the day of. You want your fruits to be ripe and crisp!
Note: You can click on the images in this post and they will open up in a new window and will automatically ENLARGE so that you can see all of the details close-up.
Over the coming weeks I will share some additional ideas that we did for her special baby boy baby shower. Everyone in attendance had a great time!
All of these ideas are very cute and doable. I shall keep,them in mind for the next baby shower in which I participate.
Perfect! I can take up these ideas for my best friend’s baby shower. She has always been on my side and I really want to throw a nice baby shower for her. Also, I have picked up her favorite event space San Francisco for the day. It was great coming across this post.
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