Here is what you will need to make each refrigerator magnet:
felt circles each measuring 2" in diameter. (you will need 2 per magnet)
felt tear drops to fit on your circle. (you will need 5 per magnet)
felt circle measuring 1/4" in diameter. (you will need 1 per magnet)
felt strip measuring 1/4" by the circumference of your large circle.
embroidery floss (colors to match felt), sewing needle and scissors
tiny amount of stuffing
craft glue
round magnet disk
Cut out all of your felt pieces as outlined above. The 2" diameter circles and the strip should all be cut from the same color of felt. Using two strands of embroidery floss to match the color of your felt circle, hand stitch on the tear drop shapes to form the shape of a flower. Use two strands of embroidery floss and hand stitch the tiny 1/4" diameter circle in the center of the flower. Make sure all of your knots are on the reverse side.
Using two strands of embroidery floss, use a blanket stitch to attach the felt strip to your flower circle. Once it has been attached around the edges, start attaching the blank back circle until you reach 3/4 of the way around. Use a tiny bit of craft stuffing and insert it into the magnet and finish blanket stitching around. Finish off and hide the threads inside of the mini pillow that was formed.
Flip the flower over and use craft glue to attach a magnet disk to the back side. Let it completely dry for several hours and then use the magnets to decorate the front of your refrigerator.
Pattern and instructions is copyright 2010 by Shelly Hill, All Rights Reserved. This pattern can not be reproduced or published elsewhere without Shelly's permission and official Author's bio attached. Please email Shelly for a copy of it.
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